In advance of many important decisions related to our region’s ability to plan for future growth, HBA and nearly a dozen industry-friendly partners met on September 29th at Metro’s offices for the first of what will be monthly roundtable feedback discussions on the Urban Growth Report and Boundary Expansion planning efforts that are officially underway. Urban Growth Report Stakeholder group, as its being called, is an opportunity for our members to speak in a unified voice and ensure that decision-makers develop a UGR that will incorporate more accurate growth forecasts and development trends than in previous years. Below are list of members or industry professionals who are expected to join this committee: Preston Korst, Government Affairs Director, HBA Justin Wood, Vice President, Fish Construction Eric Peterson, Vice President Operations, Land & Housing Development, Brookfield Properties Elin Michel-Midelfort, Vice President Land Development, Metropolitan Land Group Michele Gila, Director of Realtor Advocacy, PMAR Elizabeth Mazzara-Myers, Executive Director, Westside Economic Alliance This new, time-limited advisory group to the COO will help inform a recommendation to the Metro Council on the urban growth boundary decision at the end of 2024.