HBA is working with the City of Gresham staff and leadership to update several items in its development code, particularly around how Middle Housing developments are being processed. As in other cities in Oregon, there is little guidance and agreed-upon criteria for how a city should process middle housing applications, and whether developers should be submitting lot-by-lot applications for land divisions, or if a planned middle housing development could be platted and recorded in a more streamlined and singular process. HBA and our members working across the state are researching this issue and hope to find a solution that reduces the number of applications required to get a plat approved as possible. Additionally, we’re working with planning staff to identify solutions that will address encumbrances that many builders are facing related to side-wall articulation standards, as an unintended consequence of passing middle housing standards, per HB 2001. If you would like to support this effort, please reach out directly to Preston Korst at