This month, the Washington County Land Use and Transportation Department (LUT) released draft reports and ordinances detailing proposed changes to its Significant Natural Resources Map and policies. Stemming from several years of legal scrutiny regarding clear and objective standards, the county has created two ordinances (Ord. No. 901 and No. 902) to come into compliance with state law. This includes updates to its mapping tools for natural resources including replacing outdated maps with newer, though inexact, maps using GIS from Metro. Additionally, there are also proposed changes to the development code related to tree removal permitting, design standards, and added standards for Riparian Habitat and Upland Wildlife Habitat, including adding classes of protection. HBA is currently reviewing the report and determining the impact that these would have on the building industry, and the total coverage of land these regulations would apply to. It appears that new SNR applications would apply to roughly 4,200 acres, from 3,500 acres from the old maps. For context, the Urban Unincorporated Area includes roughly 30,000 acres.