For the last year, HBA has provided input and engaged with the County’s LUT team to help shape the county’s Significant Natural Resources Project. Stemming from several years of legal scrutiny regarding clear and objective standards, the county has created two ordinances (Ord. No. 901 and No. 902) to come into compliance with state law. This includes updates to its mapping tools for natural resources including replacing outdated maps with newer, though inexact, maps using GIS from Metro. Additionally, there are also proposed changes to the development code related to tree removal permitting, design standards, and added standards for Riparian Habitat and Upland Wildlife Habitat, including adding classes of protection. Having proceeded through the Planning Commission last week, the project has reached a significant milestone. The current ordinances include several important details, including a proposed rule exemption for any properties of less than 2 acres, which was formally recommended by the Planning Commission last week. HBA’s is now working with the County Commission and has written testimony advocating for additional exemptions be granted to projects on smaller/challenging lots, in addition to offering opportunities to allowing off-site mitigation options.